Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing # 7

Of all the "things" I have looked at so far, this is the one I have enjoyed the most. I am a big Google fan and was pleased to have all these dimensions added onto the site. I will definitely be returning to use most if not all of them.

I created a Google alert on the city of San Antonio where I grew up. I will be most interested to receive news about goings-on there.

I started creating a homepage on Igoogle, but without much success. Much of the problem came from the fact that I am using a dial-up connection. Also, I chose humor as one of my tabs/categories and the choices offered under that tab were rather crude, so I quickly lost interest in that.

I did some searches under Google scholar, but missed having the "instant access" to something that interested me.

Being a Google map fan, I went with much interest to Google earth and was thrilled to see that galaxies can be explored. My 4th and 5th graders are gonna love this.

I can see Google docs being highly useful for the kids at my school with poor spelling and composition skills.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

Dial-up makes it harder! I love San Antonio, too, but never thought to have myself alerted! It is a city where something is always going on!
(way unlike where I am at present)