Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thing # 10

Being a map lover, and a Google map user, I was immediately drawn to Big Huge Labs mapmaker and did a map of my world travels, mainly Europe.

I also played with and enjoyed the comic strip generator. Results appear above, with link below.

I was also interested in Kid-Friendly image generator, but had problems uploading an image into a poster. I did not succeed. I want to revisit this and learn it so as to share with the kids at school.

These image generators could be used in art classes or classroom centers. They could enhance projects, especially in middle and high school.

I could not resist including this image I succeeded in adding to the blog. I am working summer school at a high school right now and it so reminds me of the darlings ....

1 comment:

VWB said...

I think I must be missing something somewhere...I don't see your map...the links both take me back to the cat picture (which is cute...thinking of a way I could use it as well!)